every entrepreneur deserves a krew

We connect passionate entrepreneurs around the world in small families called KREWs.

KREW Community entrepreneurs meetings meetups personal growth connections networking collaborations

What is a krew?

KREW community entrepreneurs founders meetings meetups growth accelerator check mark purple only A KREW is made up of around 30 entrepreneurs who want to help each other grow.

KREW community entrepreneurs founders meetings meetups growth accelerator check mark purple only They meet monthly in a unique setting that faciliates meaningful conversations over pizza and drinks.

KREW community entrepreneurs founders meetings meetups growth accelerator check mark purple only In between meetings, members connect online, through 1:1s or by visiting other KREWs.

What is a krew?

KREW community entrepreneurs founders meetings meetups growth accelerator check mark purple only A KREW is made up of 10 to 30 entrepreneurs who are strongly driven to grow.

KREW community entrepreneurs founders meetings meetups growth accelerator check mark purple only They meet monthly or more to accelerate each other’s growth in a mastermind setting.

KREW community entrepreneurs founders meetings meetups growth accelerator check mark purple only In between meetings, members connect online, through 1:1s or by visiting other KREWs.

KREW Community entrepreneurs meetings meetups personal growth connections networking collaborations

Why attend a krew meeting?

“I got to know lots of amazing entrepreneurs who are hustling hard, but still staying human and fun.”

Tatiana Shalunova

Portrait Photographer, Tatianashalunova.com

“What surprised me most about KREW is how easy it was to become a real part of the community.”
Brendy Batenburg

LinkedIn Trainer & Coach, LinkedIn Lab

“I joined KREW because I want to be around creative people. I like the energy. It inspires me to improve myself and the products for my clients.”

Leo Boekhoudt

Financial Advisor, Boekhoudt.org

How can you join?

You can visit any KREW as a guest, both online and offline. Scroll through the calendar of KREW Meetings to find one that matches your preferences.

After visiting, you can decide to join a KREW for real by signing up for a Membership. Want to learn more? Hit the button below and visit a KREW Meeting!

Marc Rodan Founder KREW Community for Driven Entrepreneurs Accelerator Growth Learn The Hague Amsterdam Rotterdam Global Network

from pancakes to krew

“I started my very first business as a pancake baker in a foreign country. No experience. No network. Just a creative idea and a strong drive to create.

To my surprise, I found it incredibly hard to connect with likeminded people. People who could boost me to do better in business, but who I could also grab a drink with as friends. That’s why I started KREW.”

– Marc Rodan, Founder of KREW

from pancakes to krew

“I started my very first business as a pancake baker in a foreign country. No experience. No network. Just a creative idea and a strong drive to create.

To my surprise, I found it incredibly hard to connect with likeminded people. People who could boost me to do better in business, but who I could also grab a drink with as friends. That’s why I started KREW.”

– Marc Rodan, Founder of KREW

Marc Rodan Founder KREW Community for Driven Entrepreneurs Accelerator Growth Learn The Hague Amsterdam Rotterdam Global Network

What our members say

“KREW introduced me and my co-founder Chingis to some very cool people. We found some nice collaborations and learned a lot from the other members. The best part of the events are the drinks though. Jam Gang ftw!!”

Max Schalow

Mobility Startup COO, Bondi.city

β€œIt just really, really helps to be with likeminded people who keep you focused, on track and motivated. To me, the value and the community are incredible.”
Costa Belien

Personal Leadership Coach & Online Trainer, Costabelien.com

“It’s easy to find and start collaborations with people in KREW. I found several collaborations via the platform myself, which have been great learning experiences as an entrepreneur.”
Shewska Verberne

Brand Consultant & Jewellery Shop Owner, Shewska.com

“KREW helped me to connect with people who are going out of their way to help me grow as a person, gain skills and experience and love to see others making progress in doing what they love! Definitely worth joining!”
Marieke Laanen

Graphic Designer, Mary Lane Designs

“I have participated in a few communities for entrepreneurs. Offline meetings were ok, but KREW is a different kind of story. Marc, the founder, carefully helps the community grow and attracts impressive members.”
Dawid Pacha

Serial Entrepreneur & Startup Founder, Transporterlink.com

“KREW offers a stimulating space (cyber and physical) to engage with a diverse group of entrepreneurs. It provides a community and a home to individual creatives. KREW clearly demonstrates that ‘knowing who’ can be more important than ‘knowing how’.”
Albert Paardekam

Energy Transition Consultant & Trainer, Darel.nl